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Membership is currently open.

All financial member of Guides NSW/ACT/NT over the age of 18 are eligible to join and must comply with the requirements of the GGA Child Safe Child Friendly Framework.  More information is available on Guide Lines or through Guides NSW/ACT/NT.  All members of the Ski Club must meet the current requirements for membership (Trefoil or Adult Members) of Girl Guides NSW/ACT/NT.

Being a member of the GG NSW Ski Club allows you to use the Lodge at any time of the year once a booking is made with the Booking Officer. As a member you are entitled to take a guest at member rates and you can sponsor friends and family to stay.

New memberships are  available as we have an extension to our Lease to the year 2026.  Memberships will be offered according to ‘Membership’ outlined in our Memorandum of Articles of Association – Item 3.  It states that ‘every adult member of the Girl Guides Association (NSW) now called Girl Guides NSW/ACT/NT as defined by its Constitution shall be qualified to be elected an ordinary member of the club.

Cost for joining is $400 (non-refundable)

The Ski Club has a Lease with Girl Guides NSW/ACT/NT and this is negotiated when it expires in 2026.  The decision to offer a Lease is dependent of the Finance Committee’s recommendation to the Board.  This allows decisions to be made around, offering a new lease or not offering a new lease.


If you wish to transfer your existing membership,  please email our Membership Secretary with your inquiry to the below email address and the process can happen upon signing over your existing membership, where you are financial with Guides NSW/ACT/NT and the Girl Guides Association (NSW) Ski Club.

For further information regarding Membership of the GG NSW Ski Club please email:

© 2024 Girl Guide Ski Club